Adam Rumack
CEO, Open Circle

“Rebecca is insightful, caring, detail-oriented, and can easily focus on client and business needs while also helping to shape long-term strategy and vision.

In our years working together, she has managed client relationships (and brought in some of our best business partnerships), facilitated team trainings, managed our learning platform, helped craft curriculum, and much more.

Her dynamic abilities and skills brought tremendous business value to our organization, AND most importantly, her intrinsic qualities, personality, integrity and insight, were essential to the health of team and success of our organization.”

Paul Pitchford, 
Author, Healing With Whole Foods

“In teaching, Rebecca exhibited a high degree of patience, adaptability and creativity. Some students in the beginning of the program were having difficulty, but through her diligence, they all made exceptional progress by the end of the program. This is no small feat in the subject areas she taught: traditional Chinese medical (TCM) theory and allied nutrition, nutritional counseling, qi gong, and meditation.  I whole-heartedly recommend Rebecca for work in the integrative healing arts that includes nutrition and nutrition counseling foundation level TCM, qi gong, and awareness practices.

Rebecca was uncannily resourceful. She epitomized intelligence in the best sense of the word, i.e., able to translate her elevated awareness into excellent outcomes. One nice attribute that every employer would value: she could accept corrections with understanding and humility. Finally, she was highly organized in her personal work as well as the work she did in my office. Rebecca would also prove invaluable in a variety of office management jobs where commitment, creativity and a strong spirit were required.”